Welcome to Westside Christian Church! Whether you are a new attender or are planning a visit, here are a few helpful tips.
What is the main thing I need to know about WSCC?
We are a Bible-believing church that desires to follow the pattern of the New Testament Church.
We are a disciple making Church! A Church that encourages everyone to think like Jesus and to live like Jesus! Our mission is to Win the Lost, Equip the Saved, and Serve All!
We have both a casual & welcoming atmosphere combined with an absolute respect for the Lord and His Church!
You are welcome to come as you are---but our prayer for all who attend is that we all will leave as stronger Disciples of Jesus Christ!
What are the differences between your morning and evening services?
At 10:45 a.m. we offer a "blended" worship service.
The 5:00 p.m. Sunday evening service is an interactive opportunity (you can ask questions and discuss the message as Phil shares the Word of God). The Sunday evening message is different from the one taught on Sunday morning. Sunday evenings are often an opportunity to grow as a disciple of Jesus.
Do you offer communion at every service?
Yes. At the morning service you take communion when the tray is passed to you and then you pass it on to the next person. The Lord's Supper is a time to honor Jesus for what He has done for us. Its a time to remember how Jesus' body was "broken" (thus breaking of the bread) and how His blood was shed (that's why we receive the grape juice) for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus took our sins & gave us His righteouness!
At the evening service a prayer is offered and if you desire to take communion, raise your hand and it will be served individually.
What programs do you have for kids or teens?
Kids and teens are a priority @ WCC! We offer Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 a.m. In addition, Bible Adventures Kids Church is available at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings for grade school aged children.
What programs do you offer for adults?
Westside has three options for Adult Bible School each week at 9:00 a.m. at the Church. Plus two different "Bible Fellowships" each Wednesday (10:00 AM & 6:00 PM)!
We also have an active Women’s group involved in local missions projects and fellowship. Our men meet for Prayer breakfasts and go on an annual men’s retreats.
What kind of preaching should I expect?
Phil's messages are all Bible based, informative, and relevant to life. At Westside our goal is to put forth "the whole counsel of God." Meaning, we need to hear the bad news as well as the good news. What is so wonderful, in Jesus, the good news (the Gospel) overpowers the "bad news!"
We take preaching very seriously, since the message of God is the most important to life. Yet, we also have lots of fun and humor in our learning times! Come check it out!
Sometimes it’s easier if we just “show” you. Many past sermons are available on the sermons page of our website.
Is there a way that I can serve God at WCC?
For sure! Check out the many opportunities on the serve page of our website.
What are your basic beliefs as a Church?
Check out the “What We Believe” page under the “About Us” section of our website.
Westside is a growing fellowship that is unashamed about the Gospel of Jesus. We believe that God has given us the greatest mission on the planet! We encourage you and your family to join with us on this journey to significant service in God’s Kingdom!